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佛山市南海悅佳裝飾五金廠不銹鋼水龍頭于2011年產品品牌為《戈凌》,2012年公司注冊了國際品牌《阿諾詩》。主營產品 :不銹鋼水龍頭、樓梯扶手、不銹鋼扶手、立柱配件、五金配件、不銹鋼板、不銹鋼管、彎頭、等產品專業(yè)生產加工的私營獨資企業(yè),公司總部設在佛山南海大瀝鹽步,佛山市南海悅佳裝飾五金廠擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。佛山市南海悅佳裝飾五金廠的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業(yè)界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨佛山市南海悅佳裝飾五金廠參觀、指導和業(yè)務洽談。 Yuejia Home Decoration Company stands for High-end Quality, good service, efficiency forever. Yuejia always has the eternal crisis awareness of "No quality, no innovation; will be no future", so we keep enhancing our Quality Control System at all time. When we develop a new series product, the quality is always the first thing to be considered, then the cost. On the materials usage, quality is also the first important to be considered, cost is second. After quality assurance, we reduce the production cost through improving production technics and efficiency... [詳細介紹]